Do-It-Yourself - Vanilla Extract Kits
Do-It-Yourself - Vanilla Extract Kits
This do-it-yourself Vanilla extract kit comes with everything you need to create your own pure vanilla extract. this kit includes the labels, the correct amount of Vanilla Beans and a resealable charming clear glass bottles that's produced in Italy by Bormioli Rocco with a swing top lid. All you supply is the alcohol.
Offered in three different styles Madagascar Bourbon beans (the vanilla you grew up with) Tahitensis beans (know as the pastry chefs vanilla) and Ugandan beans (known for its high vanillin content).
Split the beans down the middle then cut the beans in half and place in the bottle. Fill the bottle with your favorite 35-40% alcohol ( Vodka, Rum, Bourbon). Shake the bottle two or three times a week for minimum of eight weeks and its ready to use. However the longer you wait the better it is. Once you use some of your extract, simply top up your bottle with more alcohol. The beans will last for several years.
These make great holiday and special occasion gifts.